Bishop Robert Reed will preside as Father William Robinson is formally installed as the pastor of our collaborative on September 21/22. The Masses of Installation will take place Saturday at 4:00pm at St. Theresa of Lisieux and Sunday at 9:00am at Most Precious Blood. Each Mass will be followed by a reception for parishioners and friends to gather and congratulate Father Bill. Please join us during this most joyous weekend!
Fr. Bill and the staff invite you to join us for coffee and donuts on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Our next gathering will be Thursday, September 19 when we will meet in the parish hall after daily Mass at St. Theresa's. We hope you will stop in for a few minutes to share coffee, donuts, and conversation with your fellow parishioners and visitors. All are welcome!
Our Bible and Bagels meetings are ongoing with 20+ parishioners attending each week.
We will continue to meet meet on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Fridays of each month. It is not necessary to attend every session to participate - come whenever you like - we will be happy to see you! We gather in the lower church hall of Most Precious Blood Church to share scripture, food, and each other’s company. More information is available at the back of both churches.To join the Bible and Bagels email list and receive the study guide electronically, email Fr. Bill at