To assist in the monumental mission of protecting children from abuse, the Dover-Sherborn Catholic Community is partnering with you to present a safe environment lesson to your youth within the Faith Formation program. It is our cherished role as adults to fully protect children. In addition, we must also teach children about their safety rights and boundaries, so that they have tools to protect themselves. This year, your child will experience the following:
Empowering God’s Children Program Information
A program for children presented by the Director of Faith Formation, each lesson includes an age-appropriate video component along with engaging learning activities. The material is designed to better equip your child to know their safety rights, recognize their boundaries, and to empower them to protect themselves when safe adults are not immediately available—and ultimately be safer from people who might want to harm them.
This year’s lesson is Safe Adults, Safe Touches, and Special Safe Adults
Program training dates: Tuesday, February 26, 2:45-3:30 pm at MPB Grades 3-5 Tuesday, March 18, 2:45-3:30 pm at MPB Grades 1-2
Students attend training until 3:30 pm and report to their regular class from 3:30-4:00 pm.
Research shows that child sexual abuse prevention is most effective when there is a partnership between parents and Lesson Leaders, when material is reiterated in an educational setting, and when the training is interactive and activity based. As the primary educators of your children, parents and guardians are encouraged to review these materials ahead of time. Please review the lessons on your own to start these vital safety conversations at home. Two additional resources are available to you for review at our parish Web site:The Teaching Boundaries and Safety Guide, and The Lesson Leader Orientation and Certification Module. Thank you for your partnership with us to protect youth.
Parents and Guardians may “opt out” youth from formal in-program safety lessons. To opt out your child from the safety lesson, please clickhere.