9:30-10am Every Thursday at Saint Theresa of Lisieux Church
9:30-10am Every Friday at Most Precious Blood Church
7:00PM Tuesday, March 19 - Reconciliation Service
at Most Precious Blood Church
Stations of the Cross
7:00pm Every Friday at Saint Theresa of Lisieux Church
Lenten Renewal
Join us for our collaborative Lenten Renewal "The Seven Last Words of Jesus"
presented by Father James Savage
Tuesday, March 5 at 7pm at Saint Theresa of Lisieux
Wednesday, March 6 at 7pm at Most Precious Blood Church
Thursday, March 7 at 7pm at Saint Theresa of Lisieux Church
Lenten Prayer Crosses
During the Lenten season we are inviting parishioners to present their Prayer Intentions to our parish community. Baskets of ribbons and markers have been placed at the back of Most Precious Blood and St. Theresa of Lisieux parishes. Write your prayer intention on a ribbon and place it in the designated basket. The prayer ribbons will be affixed to the white cross in front of each church, and the intentions will be prayed for throughout Lent. This is an opportunity to ask the community to pray with us and for our intentions.